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A Diet Culture Takedown

This is a podcast of two fat friends talking about diet culture that no BODY asked for. As white women we acknowledge our privilege. On this podcast we will discuss how fatphobia intersects with racism, homophobia, classism, ableism, transphobia, etc. And we will work to promote and embody allyship behaviors. All of this and some humor too.

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Megan lives in Nashville, TN with intern Eric and the sweetest pups (once you get to know them) Gus and Stella. Her strength comes from her willingness to be vulnerable and she is always interested in proselytizing her Taco Bell order. She will convert you to her ways.


Kendra lives in Richmond, VA with her pup, Percy in their home in Churchill. Her life mission is to create space for people to feel safe and comfortable to be exactly who they are. She is never cold because she is a crafter and she has more bikinis than there are warm days and she is simultaneously 11 and 65 years old.